Some Rabbit Hole Ponderings


Some Rabbit Hole Ponderings



To Whom It May Concern


It is certainly a curious thing to have gone this mystical direction in life. Most definitely a road less traveled. As far as discussing it with others goes, I think, as with any specialty, any sphere – science, mathematics, music, sports, business, politics, et cetera ad infinitum – that we all tend to search out like minds to focus on our interests and passions. Scientists with scientists, mathematicians with mathematicians, musicians with musicians, athletes with athletes, businessmen with businessmen, politicians with politicians, et cetera ad infinitum. Our little “lost” tribe of seers, being somewhat scattered about the globe, are not always easy to run across. You just never know who will be sitting next to you in some coffee shop, bar, or park bench.


Personally, I have always been generalist and chameleon enough to enjoy chatting with whoever about whatever comes up. There is great freedom in anonymity. Many people I know quite well have very little if any clue about what I have done or what I have written. It has just never come up. I may probe and plant seeds, but do not worry whether or not they take root. Some minds are fertile; some are barren. It is just the way it is.


As far as staying connected with family, friends, and acquaintances goes, we each have to decide what is important to us, and it may be for some that burning bridges and moving on alone is only option they allow themselves. The high school class of my small rural town origin celebrated our 40th reunion a few years back, and those who came had a great time reconnecting and sharing their life journeys. Very few of them would ever be at all interested in my thoughts on things – many of them are true believers in one dogma or another – and I am okay with that. No point beating yourself over the head over things you cannot change.


The big view of it is that I am one of who knows how many awakened eyes in this magical mystery tour, as likely are you if you are reading this. Whether anyone else hears the call is something over which none of us has any say. Nor does it really matter. We may point the way to a larger vision, but it is each, abiding in their own set of capacities and limitations, who must, to whatever degree, wander the pathless land very much alone. We are but ephemeral seed crystals, of our own devices, for consciousness to do with what it will.


Everything I have written since 1989, except for a couple notebooks that were lost, along with a few other oopsie moments on the computer, is my gift to the future, such as it is. It is up to you and others I have befriended through the years to pass it on if you deem it to have merit. It has been an interesting pastime to give so much of my time over to it: to think it, to scribble it, to transcribe and edit it, to throw it about like Johnny did apple seeds. There may be in the neighborhood of five thousand pages worth by the time I exit this center stage. And what happens to it is for time to tell. I leave it to you to decide.


So it goes, either way. I played my part, I said my piece, I had my fun.






The Matrix


Another aphoristic journey,

For those who see, hear, feel, and breathe,

A mystery which can never be but what it has ever been.

An array of thoughts on what is known and what will ever be unknown.

Reflections from a mirror given over to the sojourn of sages and the fools they become.

For the dancers and singers who chuckle at the theater of imagination,

Those who seek to tread immortal waters, fearless.


The Stillness Before Time Website, 2000




The Choiceless You


When you truly discern none of it ultimately real,

You will find desire and fear no longer govern the day to day.

That the reality of the awareness in consciousness is timeless, changeless.

The you immersed in myriad limitations born of conditioning,

Becomes the indivisible, unborn, choiceless You,

That which is prior to all creation.


The Return to Wonder, 2009, IV




False Expectations


If you expect someone who abides in a boundless state,

To behave in some prescribed manner, some ordained fashion,

That is your own assumption, your own projection, your own delusion,

And you may well be disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, seething, even enraged,

Or worse yet, succumb to yet another mesmerizing groupthink,

Another meaningless bottleneck born of imagination.

Is it any wonder some of use end up in caves,

Very much alone, very much at home.


The Return to Wonder, 2009, V






Is there anything not made stronger,

When fashioned by a certain amount of challenge,

A certain amount of adversity, a certain amount of pain and suffering.

Of the qualities needed for survival in this manifest world,

Formlessness is likely only rarely included.


The Return to Wonder, 2009, VI




Have You Ever Seen Your Face?


What might it have been like to have never seen your face, or even thought of it?

To have never gazed at your reflection in a puddle of water, or a mirror.

To have never had an illustration painted, or a photograph taken.

To have abided only in the many reflections of others,

As you wandered about your perceived world.


The Return to Wonder, 2009, VIII




Why So Gullible?


Humanity has devised every sort of mythology

To explain that which is indivisibly, indelibly ineffable,

Yet pain and suffering and angst continue unabated in every venue.

Organized religions, priests, sages, shamans, channelers, shysters, and charlatans,

Have failed to bring about any lucid, elemental commonality.

Why do you continue to be so gullible?


The Return to Wonder, 2009, IX




Here You Are


Here You are …

Sitting, standing, walking, running,

Drinking, chewing, watching, thinking, speaking, sleeping,

Ever the indivisible, indelible, ineffable mystery within and without … here You are …

Timelessly witnessing a kaleidoscoping, three-dimensional theater in time.

From one instant to the next … to the next … to the next …

… to the next … to the next … to the next …

Ever You are, right here, right now.


The Return to Wonder, 2009, CCLXV




An Ineffable Mystery


Everything is indivisibly connected at the quantum level,

And it is in that very still, momentary awareness,

That those rare few who earnestly quest,

Will discern that essence, which many call God,

Or Brahman, or Tao, or Yahweh, or Allah, or Great Spirit,

Or whatever other sound it has been given, or will someday be given.

In truth, it is an ineffable mystery, to which all names are meaningless and absurd.


The Return to Wonder, 2009, CCLXVII




The First Page


We are all created of the same source,

By whatever name you might wish to call it.

Our sense of individuality is merely a fleeting illusion,

Born of the attachment of consciousness to mind-body-spirit.

In reality, we are all equally the same awareness permeating all things.

All dualistic notions are vain delusion fabricated by imagination.

Yes, it all seems real and true enough at any given moment,

But if you fully contemplate the ever-present now,

You will discern that this state we call life,

Is really nothing more than a very temporary,

Touchy-feely, three-dimensional, sensory reverie.

The indivisible, absolute mystery, pretending existence.


* * * *

Everything comes and goes, appears and disappears,

Changes in each and every inexplicable moment.

A magical mystery tour of bewildering origin.

And to those many so full of themselves,

Unable to perceive the unfathomable,

That every moment beckons their attention,

How did the mindboggling become so mundane?


* * * *

Discern the indivisible awareness prior to all attributes,

All genders, all languages, all ideologies, all creeds, all geographies,

All families, all friends, all acquaintances, all antagonists,

All anything, all everything, under any given sun.

Discern that which is solely awareness,

Unblemished by any perception,

Born of conscious design,

Mortal or otherwise.


* * * *

Every existence is entirely unique,

In this grand, magical theater of time and space.

The unfolding of the song of mystery is a creation extraordinaire,

In every way, shape and form into which the mystery,

Has spontaneously, choicelessly unfolded.

You are one of countless dreams,

All witness to the totality,

That which is prior to all perception,

That which is absolute, both within and without,

That which is real, that which is true, that which is ever You.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, 2012, The First Page




The Truth, the Life, the Way


There is the imaginary existence of consciousness: worldly, temporal, secular, profane, mundane.

Naught but a brief illusion, a brief collusion, a brief delusion of time and space.

But the real and only You, the real existence, the real eternal life,

Is the indelibly, indivisibly, absolute awareness.

You are the truth, the life, the way.

There is no other.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, 2012, Page 231




And So Are You


If the Jesus so many idolize did not say,

“I am the truth, the life, and the way … and so are you,”

Then he was just another self-absorbed fraud,

Another charismatic cult leader,

Whom true believers,

Always place on pedestals,

And without question, blindly follow.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, 2012, Page 250




Returning to the Natural State


The infant begins with no knowledge,

Of what it is seeing, hearing, touching. tasting, or smelling.

Over time, the collusion into which it has been cast, will sculpt it to its own ends.

Few will likely ever doubt with enough abide-alone courage,

To decline and return to the natural state.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, 2012, Page 260




Witnessing the Mystery


The human paradigm, perhaps the paradigm of all manifest, conscious existence, created of awareness,

Is about consumption of the given sensory feed: sights, sounds, tastes, smells, textures.

Experiences of every imaginary scope, filling every conceivable moment.

Meditation is a state of beingness, less about consuming,

Than it is riding the kaleidoscoping wave,

Impassively witnessing the inexplicably timeless mystery,

That which has neither beginning nor end, cause nor purpose, rhyme nor reason.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, 2012, Page 495




The Last Page


Every one the same quantum indivisibility playing the manifest theater real.

Every one the immortal essence peering through mortal eyes, feigning a mortal game.

Every one as free, as aware, as their shard of spirit demands, and mind allows.


* * * *

Those, whose destiny it is to become seers, ponder many things,

Until they gradually become aware of the foundation of consciousness itself,

And in that observant attentiveness to the awareness that never sleeps,

Their minds discern that from whence all things come and go,

And in that awareness merge back into the indivisibility,

Of the eternity that is, has ever been, will ever be.


* * * *

Is there any creature, any form, fashioned in this vast universe,

That does not journey to the conclusion of its paradigm?

All nature is naught but patterns within patterns,

All functions of the same choicelessness,

All programming of quantum design,

Indivisible within one and all for all eternity.


* * * *

The quantum indivisibility is sightless,

Soundless, senseless, odorless, and tasteless.

Only in consciousness does any universe appear real.


* * * *

If the world, if the universe, was truly real,

How could it, would it, every instant be changing?

Only you do not change, only you have ever been the same,

Only you have ever been the one and only you,

Awareness, witnessing a dream.


* * * *

The Tao, by whatever sound you call it, is always the same.

The same as when you were born, the same as when you die,

The same as before you were born, the same as after you die.

Life is a brief opportunity to view it the same while you exist.


* * * *

That quantum essence that you truly are cannot die, for it was never born.

You are eternity, the stuff of stars, come to life in a dreaming of time.

There is no who, no what, no where, no when, no why, no how.

You are the nothing more, the nothing less, the nothing but.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, 2012, The Last Page




You Are Eternity


Awareness is the one and only You, the everything within all,

And it has no attachment to any shape, to any existence, whatsoever.

Its indivisible omnipresence-omniscience-omnipotence permeates all totality.

It is the unborn-undying, imbuing all dimensions, all illusions, cultivated by sentience.

If you are to realize the truth of that which eternity is, it must include everything, including You.

There is no need for deities, no need for souls, no need for angels, no need for saints, no need for demons,

No need for belief, no need for scripture, no need for dogma, no need for priests, no need for idols,

No need for worship, no need for prayer, no need for superstition, no need for cathedrals,

No need for heavenly ecstasies, no need for purgatories, no need for infernos.

Awareness is witness to all, and You, a sparkle of that eternal now.

All You need do, is be the solitary witness You ever are,

Without the self-imagery chained to form.

Be the ever-present moment.

Be the awareness.

Be the ineffable mystery.

Be the flawless sentience of eternity.

Be the indelible Self of all selves, of all creation.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




A Decentralized Work


Have put this work out into the world in as many diverse channels as current technologies allow.

Nobody owns it, nobody controls it; everyone must discern the truth all on their own.

And all those who see, fairly quickly, without fanfare, know each other.

It is a very subtle, very quiet, very grass roots revolution.

No priesthood, no organization, no dogma.

Just a clear, rational view.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




Getting Its Own Legs


I am an outcome of the social-spiritual revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s.

A peasant’s eldest wandering the zenith of post-World War II United States of America,

Passing on thoughts, conclusions, opinions, judgments, about what I witnessed, and the parr I played.

That it has not developed its own legs, either proves I am wrong, or that the human species,

Is incapable of getting past its unfathomable arrogance or its insatiable avarice.

There is also great likelihood there is just too much to wade through,

Or that many just do not care to bother or care about it all.

Is there any doubt why I sit at the absurdist bar?


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




Done, Done, the Damage Done


My level of intrigue is far less, has always been far less, than many.

There is nothing I cannot walk away from if my whole world crashed and burned.

All I do is sit in coffee shops, write bullshit that very few people read, shop for supplies as needed,

See Mom and Sister once a week, and spend a couple hours most days in the club pool.

I am all but done with this cosmos, and this cosmos is all but done with me.

One of these days, I will be gone, and very few will even notice.

The universe has managed to ignore me while living;

It will even far less hard after I am gone.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




The One and Only Truth


This ultimate truth is all that really matters in this théâtre absurde.

Everything else is nothing more than quantum illusion.

Everything else is but an imaginary dreamtime,

In which You are voluntary prisoner,

Of your own mind’s design.

There are no chains.

There is only the moment,

And You are as free as You dare.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




An Anonymous Scribe


All these years of scribbling have been both entertaining and wearisome,

In a sideways-topsy-turvy-inside-out-backwards sort of way.

Weave it all into some kind of enlightening story?

What, pray tell, would be the point?

It is done well enough for the rare few.

Think of all the videos I could have made.

Think of the following I might have cult-ivated.

I thank the gods for my insignificance, as should you.

I cannot imagine wanting or needing widespread approbation.

This garden orb does not require any more irrationality, any more absurdity.

You can thank or curse or ignore your Self, any time, any place.

You are, every moment, creator-preserver-destroyer.

You thank me when you discern your Self.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




Quantum Duplicity


Each of the five sensory organs – eyes, ears nose, tongue, skin –

Translate a different scintilla of the electromagnetic spectrum.

And in the quantum mind, an illusory universe kaleidoscopes eternal,

And imagination makes apparent, the mystery timelessly witnessing all dreams.

All naught but quantum duplicity, seemingly real, to all but those born to see the ineffable.

So many are so adept at examining the illusion in every way, but at some point, what is the point?

To discern that which is real, that which is true, one must set aside the mundane, still the mind,

And simply be the mystery of awareness; the indivisible, indelible, ineffable witness, in all.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




A Dead Poet Strategy


It was worth giving this body of work away no-charge.

Throwing it out there the willy-nilly way these digitalized times allowed.

No fame, no fortune, no control, no publishers, no followers, no travels, no speeches, no signings.

And only a modicum of vain notions with which to inwardly contend.

A strategy that saved all kinds of bother.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




A Thought-Filled Theme Park


Somebody had to scribe this, and it just sorta dumped itself into this lap.

If asked, would I do it again, I would say, with a shrug of these graying shoulders,

“What more could I possibly set down, without repeating myself more than I already have?”

This thought-filled theme park is for any and all, who discern within it, whatever they are looking for;

Whatever they might need, in the dystopian future that is so unescapably rushing at them.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




The Jungle in the Monkey


The post-WWII Boomer generation that I was born into, was set up by the idealistic winds of our youth,

To believe humankind could be, could do, something Darwin 101 assures us is impossible.

What I tell any who still harbor that delusional notion, any who still believe,

Us capable of overriding the natural selection that whittled us, for even a few minutes,

Is that you can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the monkey.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




Vanity, Vanity, All is Vanity


All your power, all your prestige, all your wealth, does not make you special.

We all end up, with all our fellow earthlings, in the same grave, sooner or later.

Build all the castles you please, climb every mountain you can, it is all for naught.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




The Self-Absorption of Human Consciousness


Odds are, no one will ever be as interested in your world as you are.

It would be an impossible feat for anyone to ever put aside their own.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




A Solitary Wander


To be … the truth … the life … the way …

Is to be in absolute, solitary relationship,

With the moment, with the singularity,

You, awareness, every moment are.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




The Illusion of Perception


Your existence, your world, your universe,

Is but an illusion of perception born of imagination,

Inspired by the five senses, linked to the mind, you call yours.

The reality You are, is so much greater, than the minute shimmer allotted.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




The Pie of History


History can be looked at from an infinity of angles and dimensions.

Personal history, group history, world history, natural history, universal history.

There is no end to the myriad ways consciousness can cut the pie, it has in imagination baked.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




The Awareness Does Not Care


Infinite or infinitesimal, the awareness does not care.

Spiritual or agnostic, the awareness does not care.

Clean or dirty, the awareness does not care.

Live or die, the awareness does not care.

Wealthy or poor, the awareness does not care.

Alive or dead, the awareness does not care.

Believer or atheist, the awareness does not care.

Subtle or blatant, the awareness does not care.

Kind or cruel, the awareness does not care.

Sane or insane, the awareness does not care.

Straight or gay, the awareness does not care.

Sage or fool, the awareness does not care.

Fast or slow, the awareness does not care.

Do or do not, the awareness does not care.

Long or short, the awareness does not care.

Succeed or fail, the awareness does not care.

Love or hate, the awareness does not care.

Still or moving, the awareness does not care.

Real or unreal, the awareness does not care.

Tit or tat, the awareness does not care.

For or against, the awareness does not care.

Up or down, the awareness does not care.

Around or through, the awareness does not care.

Clear or unclear, the awareness does not care.

Fat or thin, the awareness does not care.

Strong or weak, the awareness does not care.

Gratis or priceless, the awareness does not care.

Hard or soft, the awareness does not care.

Give or take, the awareness does not care.

To or from, the awareness does not care.

Wise or foolish, the awareness does not care.

Beautiful or ugly, the awareness does not care.

Big or small, the awareness does not care.

Known or unknown, the awareness does not care.

Fore or aft, the awareness does not care.

Awake or asleep, the awareness does not care.

Heavy or light, the awareness does not care.

Rich or poor, the awareness does not care.

Awake or asleep, the awareness does not care.

True or false, the awareness does not care.

Ecstasy or agony, the awareness does not care.

First or last, the awareness does not care.

Creative or destructive, the awareness does not care.

Full or empty, the awareness does not care.

Sweet or bitter, the awareness does not care.

Loud or quiet, the awareness does not care.

Straight or rounded, the awareness does not care.

Bright or dim, the awareness does not care.

Well or unwell, the awareness does not care.

Astute or obtuse, the awareness does not care.

Like or unlike, the awareness does not care.

Appealing or revolting, the awareness does not care.

Clear or opaque, the awareness does not care.

Thick or thin, the awareness does not care.

Brave or cowardly, the awareness does not care.

Sweet or sour, the awareness does not care.

Equal or lopsided, the awareness does not care.

King or slave, the awareness does not care.

Queen or whore, the awareness does not care.

Expansive or contractive, the awareness does not care.

Soft or harsh, the awareness does not care.

Young or old, the awareness does not care.

Male or female, the awareness does not care.

Honest or dishonest, the awareness does not care.

Wild or tame, the awareness does not care.

Early or late, the awareness does not care.

Pure or foul, the awareness does not care.

Cautious or reckless, the awareness does not care.

Hit or miss, the awareness does not care.

Lead or follow, the awareness does not care.

High or low, the awareness does not care.

Naive or cynical, the awareness does not care.

Truth or lie, the awareness does not care.

Deep or shallow, the awareness does not care.

Open or closed, the awareness does not care.

Rational or absurd, the awareness does not care.

Near or far, the awareness does not care.

Singular or dual, the awareness does not care.

In or out, the awareness does not care.

Free or imprisoned, the awareness does not care.

Yes or no, the awareness does not care.

Attached or detached, the awareness does not care.

Course or fine, the awareness does not care.

All or none, the awareness does not care.

Shiny or dull, the awareness does not care.

Smart or stupid, the awareness does not care.

Tall or short, the awareness does not care.

Forward or backward, the awareness does not care.

Before or after, the awareness does not care.

Selfless or selfish, the awareness does not care.

One or two, the awareness does not care.

Within or without, the awareness does not care.

Yay or nay, the awareness does not care.

Close or distant, the awareness does not care.

Normal or weird, the awareness does not care.

Wet or dry, the awareness does not care.

Hot or cold, the awareness does not care.

Constant or fickle, the awareness does not care.

Positive or negative, the awareness does not care.

Happy or sad, the awareness does not care.

Fair or unfair, the awareness does not care.

Over or under, the awareness does not care.

Similar or different, the awareness does not care.

Loose or tight, the awareness does not care.

Plus or minus, the awareness does not care.

Above or below, the awareness does not care.

Inside or outside, the awareness does not care.

Simple or complex, the awareness does not care.

Black or white, the awareness does not care.

Smooth or coarse, the awareness does not care.

Wide or narrow, the awareness does not care.

Gentle or cruel, the awareness does not care.

Humble or vain, the awareness does not care.

On or off, the awareness does not care.

Here or there, the awareness does not care.

Have or have not, the awareness does not care.

Sharp or dull, the awareness does not care.

Good or bad, the awareness does not care.

Right or wrong, the awareness does not care.

Everything or nothing, the awareness does not care.

Something or nothing, the awareness does not care.

White or black, the awareness does not care.

Light or dark, the awareness does not care.

This or that, the awareness does not care.


Awareness holds on to nothing; why do You?


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




Paths Less Traveled


Without doubt, without hesitation, without disbelief,

There is no starting down the path less traveled.

A divergent path, where serendipity rules.

An uncharted path, where insecurity is the norm.

A long and winding path, where spontaneity is a delight.

And in that … no direction known … inexplicable fates are drawn.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




Six Words Down a Rabbit Hole


The magical mystery tour of imagination.

Time and space are mind-body illusion.

Five senses contrive a cosmic theater.

The agony, the ecstasy, the absurdity.

All are helpless upshots of mutation.

The genetic lottery casts all askew.

Sand ever falling in the hourglass.

Quantum matrix, the same in all.

The awareness, the same in all.

The sentience, the same in all.

The moment, the same in all.

The mystery, the same in all.

We are stardust, come to life.

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

We are cousins of the puddle.

All are molded by their niche.

Who has ever had any choice?

Who has ever seen their face?

Who has ever been like me?

Who has ever been like you?

Who has ever been like him?

Who has ever been like her?

Who has ever been like them?

We are all just prisoners here.

All adrift in labyrinth of mind.

Ever more in common than not.

Belief is but a delusionary fog.

Be and allow, the highest law.

‘Tis but an hour, strutted, fretted.

Vanity and greed rule the world.

A species unable to contain itself.

A cancer devouring our dust ball.

The horror, the horror, no respite.

No one sees their allotted facade.

All wander the same stage, alone.

Nothing is ever the same nothing.

All lives are but imaginary dreams.

All differences are but shell games.

We are cousins of natural selection.

So many trivial things given weight.

All differences share the same grave.

Paradox and irony and absurdity rule.

The sound, the fury, signifying nothing.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




The Good News


The good news is there is nothing to believe.

The good news is there is nothing to seek.

The good news is there is nothing to worship.

The good news is there is nothing know.

The good news is there is nothing to follow.

The good news is there is nothing to judge.

The good news is there is nothing to ponder.

The good news is there is nothing to do.

The good news is there is nothing to undo

The good news is there is nothing say.

The good news is there is nothing to be.

The good news is there is nothing accept.

The good news is there is nothing to deny.

The good news is there is nothing to study.

The good news is there is nothing to join.

The good news is there is nothing to create.

The good news is there is nothing to surrender.

The good news is there is nothing to reflect.

The good news is there is nothing to generate.

The good news is there is nothing to consent.

The good news is there is nothing to divide.

The good news is there is nothing to contend.

The good news is there is nothing to refuse.

The good news is there is nothing to permit.

The good news is there is nothing to ignore.

The good news is there is nothing to borrow.

The good news is there is nothing to commit.

The good news is there is nothing to align.

The good news is there is nothing to merge.

The good news is there is nothing to wallow.

The good news is there is nothing to grapple.

The good news is there is nothing to strain.

The good news is there is nothing to solicit.

The good news is there is nothing to negotiate.

The good news is there is nothing to claim.

The good news is there is nothing to assert.

The good news is there is nothing to evaluate.

The good news is there is nothing to moderate.

The good news is there is nothing to regulate.

The good news is there is nothing to barter.

The good news is there is nothing to control.

The good news is there is nothing to tame.

The good news is there is nothing to mediate.

The good news is there is nothing to speculate.

The good news is there is nothing to guess.

The good news is there is nothing to appraise.

The good news is there is nothing to battle.

The good news is there is nothing to tithe.

The good news is there is nothing to promote.

The good news is there is nothing to decide.

The good news is there is nothing to concede.

The good news is there is nothing to bargain.

The good news is there is nothing to yearn.

The good news is there is nothing to shelter.

The good news is there is nothing to appeal.

The good news is there is nothing to summon.

The good news is there is nothing to mediate.

The good news is there is nothing to obligate.

The good news is there is nothing to evaluate.

The good news is there is nothing to calculate.

The good news is there is nothing to achieve.

The good news is there is nothing to build.

The good news is there is nothing to coerce.

The good news is there is nothing to compel.

The good news is there is nothing to measure

The good news is there is nothing to refute.

The good news is there is nothing to grasp.

The good news is there is nothing to protect.

The good news is there is nothing to gauge.

The good news is there is nothing to defend.

The good news is there is nothing to renounce.

The good news is there is nothing to establish.

The good news is there is nothing to dissolve.

The good news is there is nothing to retain.

The good news is there is nothing to embrace.

The good news is there is nothing to reject.

The good news is there is nothing to relinquish.

The good news is there is nothing to conquer.

The good news is there is nothing to subdue.

The good news is there is nothing to expand.

The good news is there is nothing to contract.

The good news is there is nothing to require.

The good news is there is nothing to request.

The good news is there is nothing to possess.

The good news is there is nothing to approve.


The good news is that …

The eternal moment, the eternal awareness, the eternal singularity, the eternal You,

The ineffable You, the indivisible You, the indelible You, the unfathomable You, the indefinable You,

Is free and clear of all trespass, free and clear of any yoke, whatsoever.

You are it, it is You, there is no other.

Be, free.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




No Need for Deities


What is it about humankind and its genomic blend, that it is so insecure, that it is so fearful,

That it, across all geographies, has imagined a supreme deity or a gaggle of deities,

To praise or blame for the blessings and misfortunes of this mortal theater?

Surely, existing as gracefully as possible in the given ebb and flow,

Is enough for anyone sensibly abiding the rhythms of nature.

There is no exultant ending to any mortal narrative.

To endure it rationally, stoically, is an admirable achievement.


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You Are All of It


You are the timeless awareness.

You are the eternal moment.

You are all the worlds.

You are all the stars,

You are all the stardust.

You are every quantum display.

You are all the space within and without.

You are the entire universe, and beyond all beyonds.

You are the infinitesimal, the infinite, unborn-undying totality.

You are the ineffable, inexplicable mystery, in which all appearances dance.


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Entangling Briars


How is it that so many seers of this infinite, indifferent mystery,

Generate so much absurdity, that morphs into so much painful misery?

How much better for the all, it might be, to stay silent, to say little or nothing.

Daito Kokushi, fourteenth century Japanese Zen master of the Rinzai school, wrote:

“Wishing to entice the blind, The Buddha has playfully let words escape his golden mouth.

Heaven and earth are ever since filled with entangling briars.”

Hopefully, these way too many cogitations,

Will find their way to oblivion,

Before wreaking too much mayhem.

One can never discern how noble intentions,

Will be warped and perverted in the theaters of mind.


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You, Me, He, She, They, All


All sentience is the awareness.

You are the awareness.

I am the awareness.

He is the awareness.

She is the awareness.

They are the awareness.

The same awareness is in all things.

Despite all imaginary concoctions to the contrary,

There is no other.


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Prior to All Things


Prior to consciousness.

Prior to sentience.

Prior to dreams.

Prior to words.

Prior to thought.

Prior to narratives.

Prior to forms, You are.


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Call It What You Will


Call it eternity.

Call it God.

Call it awareness.

Call it the moment.

Call it now.

Call it perpetuity.

Call it infinity.

Call it nothing.

Call it everything.

Call it ineffable.

Call it mystery.

Call it whatever.

It is the same nothing, it is the same everything, it is, has ever been, will ever be.


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The Limits of Rationality


Science and all related fields, can never grasp the full truth,

Because truth, is prior to all things measurable,

Prior to all things theoretical,

Prior to all things born of consciousness.

It is the indelible, ineffable, intangible indivisibility.

It is the unknowable, inexplicable, unborn-undying mystery, prior to all.


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The Abyss of Awareness


What could awareness possibly need?

What could awareness possibly want?

What could awareness possibly fear?

What could awareness possibly dread?

What could awareness possibly love?

What could awareness possibly hate?

What could awareness possibly believe?

What could awareness possibly see?

What could awareness possibly hear?

What could awareness possibly smell?

What could awareness possibly taste?

What could awareness possibly feel?

What could awareness possibly think?

What could awareness possibly know?

What could awareness possibly anything?


As is written in the Sixth Sutra of Manuel Schoch’s

Bitten by the Black Snake translation of the Ashtravaka Gita:

You are not your body, your body is not you.

You are not the doer, you are not the enjoyer.

You are pure awareness, the witness of all things.

You are without expectation, free.

Wherever you go, be happy.


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A Choiceless Existence


You pose, You pretend, You politic, You participate, as your sensory theater dictates.

To consider yourself free in the winds of this choiceless pattern You play, is absurd.


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Naught But Awareness


Awareness is the inherent mystery.

There is no deity to worship.

There is no groupthink.

There is no ministry.

There is no doctrine.

There is but awareness.

And it is free, to any and all,

Who have the insight to fathom it.


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The Root of All Things Human


It is imagination that craves, not the awareness.

It is imagination that fears, not the awareness.

It is imagination that dreads, not the awareness.

It is imagination that loves, not the awareness.

It is imagination that hates, not the awareness.

It is imagination that suffers, not the awareness.

It is imagination that delights, not the awareness.

It is imagination that cherishes, not the awareness.

It is imagination that trusts, not the awareness.

It is imagination that believes, not the awareness.

It is imagination that inquires, not the awareness.

It is imagination that explores, not the awareness.

It is imagination that scorns, not the awareness.

It is imagination that lusts, not the awareness.

It is imagination that deceives, not the awareness.

It is imagination that lies, not the awareness.

It is imagination that cheats, not the awareness.

It is imagination that agonizes, not the awareness.

It is imagination that steals, not the awareness.

It is imagination that creates, not the awareness.

It is imagination that preserves, not the awareness.

It is imagination that destroys, not the awareness.

It is imagination that seeks, not the awareness.

It is imagination that finds, not the awareness.

It is imagination that raptures, not the awareness.


The root of everything human, is the stew of imagination.


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That Which Is God


Yet another attempt to communicate what the sound/word/concept ‘God’ herein means.

No, not some unshaven Saint Nick, leading an orchestration of harps in the cloudy on-high.

No, to every idol, every faith, every belief, every creed, every symbol, every charismatic leader.

Yes, to every quantum particle to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, and beyond, including, yes, You.

All that is seen, all that is unseen, is of the same indelible, indivisible, unfathomable mystery.

To envision it any less, is the same delusion repeated throughout the human paradigm.

And all that is required to perceive this non-dualistic truth, is an attentive mind.

A mind that has clearly realized, that eternity is this ever-present moment.

This timeless, unborn-undying, prior-to-consciousness awareness.

And no fiction born of imagination is required to access it.


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Eternity’s Playhouse


Neither You, nor anyone else, can help but play out their destined role.

There is nothing to do, but spontaneous extemporaneous.

Play out every scenario as the moment calls.

Choice has nothing to do with it.

None can do more,

Than surrender to the abyss in all.

Call it whatever you will, it is all You; there is no other.


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The Anarchist


Am I not something of an anarchist, taking on consciousness, taking on imagination,

With aphorisms the weapon, with which the dreamtime has equipped me.

Taking aim at intellects scouted in any given daily walkabout.

A reasonable pastime, for which I am well-suited.

A Johnny Appleseed strategy at the helm.

Very grass-rooted, very under-the-radar.

What future awakening they might inspire, if any,

Is well beyond this narrative, and well beyond any concern.

It is but the vanity, for which I have been, through happenstance, fated.

A mind-body, programmed by the given nature-nurture, with a truth-seeking inclination.


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Stardust Come Unto Existence


Stardust somehow morphed into existence,

And it could never more than speculate, how it all came to be.

But rather than be happy … rather than be content … at peace in agnostic grace …

… it argued … it struggled … it battled … over everything imaginable …

… in the forever more … that never ever enough … ever is …

… in monkey minds evolved of Darwinian fare …


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The Truth of Eternity


Why are you so fearful of it all coming to an end?

Oblivion is the state from whence You came.

Oblivion is the state to which all return.

There is absolutely nothing to fear or dread.

There is absolutely nothing for which to hope or plead.

There is simply eternity, which You are, have ever been, will ever be.


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Always Remember


Always try to remember, that your story,

Is really nothing more than imaginary fabrication.

Nothing more than chemical-electrical-biological interplay.

All the zilch-nada-zip-nil-zero-null-aught-zippo-void of nothingness.

The mystery, the awareness, pretending the ineffable menagerie,

Is more than quantum stardust patterned unto existence.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




A Pipe Dream of God


The longest view of history – to be nothing more than imaginary confabulation –

Is that all Creation, that all Genesis, came and went in an instant,

And that, for all practical purpose, never happened,

As more than a pipe dream of God.

How would any less a vision even be possible?

Yes, God is great beyond measure, no naming required.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




Always Remember


Always try to remember, that your story,

Is really nothing more than imaginary fabrication.

Nothing more than chemical-electrical-biological interplay.

All the zilch-nada-zip-nil-zero-null-aught-zippo-void of nothingness.

The mystery, the awareness, pretending the ineffable menagerie,

Is more than quantum stardust patterned unto existence.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




Believe in Nothing


Do not believe anything the inner voice tells you.

Do not believe anything the inner voice pretends real.

Do not believe anything the inner voice believes true.

It is all nothing more than the chicanery of stardust.

A temporal invention fashioned by imagination.

A touchy-feely, three-dimensional delusion.

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




Recipe for a Peaceful Existence


If all you truly want out of your moment, is a serene existence,

Just find pleasant spots to sit, eyes open or closed,

Or take long aimless-wandering walks,

Followed by good naps,

And just, breath in, breath out.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




Boiling It Down


The human paradigm – from dawn to sunset – all boils down to vanity and greed.

Narcissism and hedonism, channeled through the seven arduous dualities:

Pride and envy and gluttony and lust and wrath and greed and sloth.

Manifested physically, emotionally, mentally, in every way.

Tempered only through moderation of the grit-and-gumption sort.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




A Nod is Enough


If it is fated for these way-too-many thoughts to be discovered, I would prefer it be after I am rootbound.

Have never sought the weight of power, the rattle of gold, or the bother of groupthink.

Scribing all this has peaceably filled a great deal of this existence.

A pleasant pastime, to be channel for this mystery.

Being rewarded for such a gift, is given its due, with a nod of a head.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




The World That Is Nigh


Humankind's tool-making aptitude –

From the first sharpened-in-the-fire stick-spear,

Capable of defending the tribe and hunting the mastodon,

To the last nuclear warhead capable of killing millions in an instant –

Has taken the species down a path from which there very little chance of return.

All any of us peons can do, is live out each day as nimbly and pleasantly,

As our little slices of geography, and these modern times, allow.


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The Seed Principle


Your dream began as a zygote in your mother’s womb,

Unleashed by an orgasmic dice throw of your father’s ejaculate.

And each of your parents came into this dreamtime in the same manner –

Through the commingling of seeds of their parentages – as did theirs before them.

As all life has, however this all came to be, in the over four billion orbits round our modest star.

You are the current issue, of all the existence that has evolved, mutated, natural-selected.

Are you the mind-body-spirit, to which you are so, through imagination, attached?

Or the awareness, that permeates all things, in this moment ever-unending?

An ever-present now, unborn-undying, with neither beginning nor end.

A vast quantum mystery, which, despite all apparent differences,

Is the same indivisible, intangible, unfathomable, oneness.

Every seed, but a one-time-only, one-trick-pony show.

It is You that is the reality, not the sensory theater.

It is the You, that the is the sky for all creation.


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Staring at Walls


All are mesmerized by the quantum matrix.

A few and far between awaken to that which all truly are,

But even they likely fall into slumber more than they might care admit.

Few can long sit in a cave, staring at a wall, and not be drawn out into the dreamtime,

At least occasionally for short bouts of drinking and whoring and sundry other disreputable respites.


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Illusions Beyond Counting


The small have their time, as do the large; all are predators, all are prey.

There are no survivors in this unborn-undying eternal mystery.

Only witnesses born into illusions beyond counting.


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The Abyss of Awareness


We all wander in the same ineffable, eternal moment,

With entirely different perceptions, different worlds, different universes.

Pretty tough for imagination, in its never-ending swirl of space-time, to do anything the same.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




The Untouchable Awareness


Yes, there is a supreme deity, and it is peering out through your eyes,

As it is through those of every other sentient creature,

Ever fashioned in all of creation.

And it is not that awareness that judges the creation,

But you, and all the other two-leggeds, across the human paradigm,

Who wrought what they see, into heavens and hells of their habituated persuasions.

Like Santa Claus in the Christmas jingle, everyone is keeping their lists, and checking them twice.

So many, wander about, believing what they think so important to some on-high,

But it is never more than the muddled miasma of imagination.

We all come and go; only awareness remains.

Untouched by any of it.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




Just Another Two-Legged


This guy would never lay any claim to being totally sane or rational or brilliant or anything perfect.

This mortal body, this mind, this imaginary moi, is as flawed and misguided and absurd,

And treacherous and hypocritical and irrational and judgmental and laughable,

And clumsy and frenetic and impulsive and irritable and divisive,

And narcissistic and hedonistic and greedy and vain,

And as inevitably mortal decline-and-fall as any other monkey-mind two-legged,

That has ever wandered every-which-way-to-and-fro across this dream-soaked dusty orb.

The perfection, all are, is not that which can be seen or heard or smelled or tasted or felt or thought.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




What Is a Philosopher?


What is a philosopher?

Cynic, skeptic, doubter, misanthropist, scoffer, doubter, pessimist,

Questioner, disparager, detractor, malcontent, loner, recluse, dilletante.

As pointless as pointless can be; the final chapter existence offers, to be sure.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




For an Inescapable Future


Why do I even bother scribbling all this?

I really do not much care for what the human paradigm has become,

Or the future to which it is inescapably, accelerating exponentially, every kaleidoscoping moment.

A vision so dark, so dismal, so painful, that the imminent extinction,

Cannot make its way hither soon enough.


Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond




Just You


Just You … very, very, very, exceedingly very, much alone.

Witnessing Your version of a universe, that has never existed as more than a dreamtime pipedream.

Poof! and Bam! and Snap Your Fingers! … All rolled up in One.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond



No Hopeful Taste From This Pen


It is a most curious thing how so many writers,

Feel required to leave some hopeful taste in the reader’s mouth.

The reality of it is, that this garden world’s prospects are growing bleaker every day.

There is absolutely no precedent for this manifest mirage as it is unfolding.

Eight billion cancer cells could be nine billion in ten or twenty years,

Assuming it is not well into dystopian collapse long before that.

And, so sorry, there is no way our little two-legged brain,

Is going to keep things rolling forever, no matter,

How ingenious we believe ourselves to be.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 54




Naught But You


There is no existence in sentience.

There are no questions in sentience.

There are no problems in sentience.

There are no answers in sentience.

There are no deities in sentience.

There are no dogmas in sentience.

There is no identity in sentience.

There is no space in sentience.

There is no time in sentience.

There is no creation in sentience.

There is no preservation in sentience.

There is no destruction in sentience.

There is no imagination in sentience.

There is no anything in sentience.

There is naught but You in sentience.


Breadcrumbs 2024 and Beyond




A Piece of Writing


A Self-imposed assignment; one in which I do not write what was done today, but what was thought.

An aphoristic journal-chronical-diary-memoir-bulletin-log-dossier-scrapbook-commentary-thesis-hobby.


As Thucydides Athenian historian and general (c. 460 – c. 400 BC) wrote:

My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the needs of an immediate public,

but was done to last forever.


Yaj Ekim: Define forever.


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